Wednesday, January 29, 2020

GE Appliance Repair Las Cruces: Turbo Freeze

appliance repair
Turbo Freeze Refrigerator Setting

GE Appliance Repair Las Cruces

Just the other day, our Las Cruces GE appliance repair team members were talking about all of the settings available on contemporary freezers. One setting that sometimes confuses people is Turbo Freeze. They wonder, “What is Turbo Freeze and why would I need to use it?” Given that, our team members wanted to share their answers:                                                                                    
To begin with, it’s a setting that temporarily alters the unit’s interior temperature for a designated period of time. The designated period of time varies from one brand of residential freezer to another. In some cases, it’s 24 hours and in others, it’s 72 hours. The time frame works hand-in-hand with the temperature setting assigned to the feature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
At this moment, we’re sure many of you think such a setting would be pointless when most of today’s freezers have built-in thermostats that people can control at will. While it is true there are built-in thermostats, the feature offers consumers something else. It’s the ability to “set it and forget it” in certain situations that warrant a temperature change. Which situations are those? Our GE appliance team is about to explain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Although modern freezers are built to reach and maintain temperature, they are often things that temporarily prevent that from happening. For example, let’s pretend that someone opens up the freezer and stands there trying to decide whether to eat a pint of banana fudge ice cream or raspberry sorbet. The longer that person’s indecision lasts, the more cold air escapes into the kitchen.                                                                                                                                                                             
Once the freezer door is closed, the setting helps reverse that situation. It instructs the cooling system to kick into overdrive until all of the cold air is restored. Then it automatically shuts off. Allowing it to go beyond that point would not be energy-efficient. Hence, that is why time allotments are built into the feature. To learn more about it or other matters related to freezers, please contact our Las Cruces GE appliance repair team members today.

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1300 G El Paseo #203
Las Cruces, NM  88001

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